Saturday 7 December 2013

What Vegetarians Eat...

So this post, and hopefully series. is inspired by three things.
1. A friend of mine has started a summer salad series over on her blog (go check her out for a bit of beautiful bits and pieces eye candy!)
2. Over the years I've received the question "You're vegetarian...what do you eat?!?!" more times than I can count.
3. I have a few friends that are on a vegetarian/healthier/natural food path and have asked me where I get my recipes from.
So I'm aiming to answer the two questions!
In general I don't follow recipes. I'm more of a fly by the seat of my pants cook. I throw in what I feel goes. Either that or I tweak recipes. Sometimes meat recipes are tweaked and sometimes vegetarian ones. 

This particular meal was very much a fly by the seat of my pants affair...

 (excuse the blurriness!)
Slivered Almonds
Corn (you don't have to use fresh, I just happened to have some from my delivery that week. Tinned or defrosted works just as well)
Silverbeet (again substitute with spinach, curly kale, whatever is on hand)
(not pictured)
Sea Salt
Mix all the above with some precooked rice and voila! Chickpea and Rice Salad!
I don't really have any measurements for any of my ingredients, just add to taste. You can omit things if you don't like them, or add them if you think they'll improve the dish! That's what's so great about cooking like this. Anything goes!
And by the way feel free to add meat too if you want. This is great as a complete meal, but would also be a great side salad at a BBQ. Just make sure it's free range though ;)

What sort of a cook are you?
Do you have a fall back throw anything in type dinner?

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